Enforce branch protection

Published on August 16th, 2023

Branch protection can bring an extra layer of security to your organization by ensuring that code must be reviewed and tested before being merged. With Tech Insights, you can ensure teams are using branch protection on their software.

Roadie automatically collects this information and you can view reports or create checks about that data. In this tutorial, we’re going to:

  1. Learn how to visualize data within an existing Data Source.


  1. You must have installed the Roadie GitHub App.

Visualise the percentage of Components with branch protection

In order to view the data, you can click Tech Insights > Data Sources > GitHub Settings Data Source

You can then expand the “Fact Visualization” section and select the item that you want to view across your GitHub repositories. viz.png

This chart tells us that 81% of Components have branch protection turned on in their repositories.